6 Minute Walk Test
Test information Chart #: DOS:
General Information

Individual walks without physical assistance for 6 minutes and the distance is measured.
• Start timing when the individual is instructed to “Go”.
• Stop timing at 6 minutes.
• Assistive devices can be used but should be kept consistent and documented from test to test.
• If physical assistance is required to walk, this should not be performed.
• A measuring wheel is helpful to determine distance walked.
• This should be performed at the fastest speed possible.

Patient Instructions

"Cover as much ground as possible over 6 minutes. Walk continuously if possible, but do not be concerned if you need to slow down or stop to rest. The goal is to feel at the end of the test that more ground could not have been covered in the 6 minutes."

Assistive Device and/or Bracing Used
Distance Covered (Include Unit of Measurement)