Tinetti Balance & Gait Test
Test information Chart #: DOS:
Balance Section

Patient is seated in hard, armless chair.

Measure Scoring Results
Sitting Balance Leans or slides in chair = 0
Steady, safe = 1
Rises from chair Unable to without help = 0
Able, uses arms to help = 1
Able without use of arms = 2
Attempts to rise Unable to without help = 0
Able, requires > 1 attempt = 1
Able to rise, 1 attempt = 2
Immediate standing
Balance (first 5 seconds)
Unsteady = 0
Steady but wide stance and uses support = 1
Steady without walker or other support = 2
Standing balance Unsteady (staggers, moves feet, trunk sway) = 0
Steady but uses walker or other support = 1
Narrow stance without support = 2
Nudged Begins to fall = 0
Staggers, grabs, catches self = 1
Steady = 2
Eyes closed Unsteady = 0
Steady = 1
Turning 360 degrees Discontinuous steps = 0
Continuous = 1
Unsteady (grabs, staggers) = 0
Steady = 1
Sitting down Unsafe (misjudged distance, falls into chair) = 0
Uses arms or not a smooth motion = 1
Safe, smooth motion = 2
Balance score 0/16
Gait Section

Patient stands with therapist, walks across room (+/- aids), first at usual pace, then at rapid pace.

Measure Scoring Results
Indication of gait
(Immediately after told to ‘go’.)
Any hesitancy or multiple attempts = 0
No hesitancy = 1
Step length and height Step to = 0
Step through R = 1
Step through L = 1
Step through L & R = 2
Foot clearance Foot drop = 0
L foot clears floor = 1
R foot clears floor = 1
L & R foot clears floor = 2
Step symmetry Right and left step length not equal = 0
Right and left step length appear equal = 1
Step continuity Stopping or discontinuity between steps = 0
Steps appear continuous = 1
Path Marked deviation = 0
Mild/moderate deviation or uses w. aid = 1
Straight without w. aid = 2
Trunk Marked sway or uses w. aid = 0
No sway but flex. knees or back or uses arms for stability = 1
No sway, flex., use of arms or w. aid = 2
Walking time Heels apart = 0
Heels almost touching while walking = 1
Gait score 0/12
Balance 0/16 Calculated Risk:


Risk Indicators
<=18  High
19-23 Moderate
>=24  Low
Gait 0/12
Total 0/28